Case studies
Automated Reporting
Sporting Journalism
The algorithmic processing of data within sporting events, is something the industry takes for granted, as a reporting on key statistics based on team/player performance, enables the viewers to gain a numeric view of an event. Enabling them to gain greater insights into an event.
As the industry moves to a greater need for accessible data points and automated articles due to time constraints. The use of automated reporting with an easy to use interface, becomes paramount.
With each major media agency having its own process, the use of multiple data sources becomes a necessity but yet, the need for more sources, increases the complexity of the reporting. Making the need for simplicity to be greater.
Improves reliability of reporting
Collection if mass data, with tight deadlines
Easy to use interface, for fact checking and data pulls
These results are based on the opinions and viewpoints of major stakeholders within the Sports journalism sector:
80% of their staff, use automated features within the office. Which they expect to increase over time.
The need for increased tech solutions within Journalism is something that will expand and develop with time.
The demand for quick turn around of articles is increasing, as we live in a 24hr News cycle and the burn rate of content has increased by 65% within the last 10 year
Last Click vs. Full Attribution
Monarch Airlines
Emphasis was put on identifying the value of each medium at generating a direct sale or an assist. The analysis was refocused on the effect of first click compared to last click in order to better understand the relationship between a customer's first arrival on site and the eventual completion of a sale.
Results were compared by developing and adopting new, customised data visualisations methods that allowed for effective data interpretation. A hypothesis was formed that an increase in investment across mediums such as comparison sites would lead to a proportional increase in revenue. In addition, spend wastage was identified across certain paid search campaigns where expensive destination terms (e.g. 'flights to Malaga') were not contributing to conversion performance.
Increase the work done on improving natural search
Increase the investment in paid search brand terms
Double the available budget for comparison sites
73% reduction in cost per passenger from search (combining PPC and SEO) as a channel overall based on a better allocation of spend
Search results showed that a 14% increase in SEO investment led to a 55% increase in revenue and 45% increase in bookings
100% increase in comparison website investment led to a doubling in revenue and passengers from this activity